Sunday, March 10, 2013

8 March Joy Dare

3 Gifts Loud

1. last night was loud at Colour Conference. I am thankful today that my darling friend Ali gave me a ticket. As it turned out, I could only go to the one session due to babysitting issues. Hearing thousands of women singing and laughing and talking was pretty cool. The music was loud and spoke right into my heart. I am thankful that I have a friend who would buy me... a ticket a year in advance. So we can stand side by side and hear from Bobbi who is loud and funny and daring and inspiring.
2. kids playing with the hose this afternoon – that was loud. And it occurred to me as I was cleaning my office ready for my clients tonight, that they were playing and screaming around the yard having a hose fight, that it was awesome. I love hearing them going nuts and playing and being kids. I am heaps loud too. So I guess it appeals to that child in me, which longs for the old days.
3. I love playing mtv loudly these days with songs from Rihanna and Pitt Bull and The Lumineers. My kids love their songs and come running from the other room just to sing and dance to them. Unfortunately nothing makes them laugh and sing more than Gangnam Style (but secretly I love it too!)

There’s freedom in loudness. There’s freedom in expressing yourself in a way that is unmistakeable and obnoxious in the most delightful of ways. I thank God that I was given the “loud” gene. Cos even though it pisses people off at times, I kinda don’t care. I like it that I am passionate and that I give a crap about things and I get fired up and I get loud when the moment takes me that way. Being loud can be awesome……but I can also be quiet. Just sayin’…….

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