Thursday, March 14, 2013

12 March Joy Dare


A Gift in Wind, in Water, in White


  1. I cant write about anything else, those with manners need move to point 2…..wind? really? We call it a fart in our house. And apparently they are heaps funny. To the point when someone lets rips there are giggles of shock and delight all at once. Then the pointing and the denying/claiming ensues! Why am I thankful for flatus? (thanks Jo for the correct terminology)

 Well a couple reasons, it is because it makes my kids laugh, and laughing is pretty much an awesome sound. And it unites us for a moment in laughter and horror, and unity is good isn’t it? But on a serious note, where there’s wind there’s fire (is that the saying? LOL) and the wind that some people have is a warning that their bowel isn’t in good health, or the food they’re eating is not good for them. Call it the body’s way of “talking” to you. So it would be a good thing to listen. If you are a disgusting silent but deadly type, PLEASE think about what is going into your poor body, and consider if changing a little thing like dairy intake would be so bad if it meant you had no “wind” or diarrhoea, or cramping anymore. And for the sake of those around you who have to endure it!! I am thankful that we have been created with a warning system in our body that tells us something is wrong and we need to remedy it – if only more people would listen to what their body is saying…..

  1. water – I’m thankful that I have clean water to drink, bathe in and play in, and soak the garden with.  That’s all.
  2. White – tonight I attended a health and wellness seminar and some of the things that were said were truly inspiring. Such as we all need to meditate regularly in order to change our mindset, behaviours and our physical and mental wellness. The guy advised that using meditation techniques such as stillness, mindfulness and imagery were a good start. He used White Light imagery as a technique. This kind of “new age” speak annoys me, cos really, what benefit is “white lighting” yourself going to do? (ie imagining yourself covered in a big ball of white light). I think I would rather yellow light or pink light or silver light myself if I was going to imagine a colour – what do you think?

But I like the idea that we can focus our mind onto something that will help bring positive change to our lives. If I think of “white” as being the focus, then I am spurred to think about purity and cleanliness and hope…all good things. So I guess I can use his technique as a “jumping off point” for my own understanding and meditation. The bible is an old text, that’s true, but did you know that it spoke about meditation long before the new agers thought it was trendy? It says to “focus your mind on things that are true and noble , righteous, lovely, admirable” so that’s what my version of “white light” will stir in me from now on during my daily meditation practice.

Here’s something I learned today…that the anger centre in our brain can be reduced with regular meditation practiced, and the compassion centre is increased! For all you anger-heads out there, wouldn’t it be nice to be consumed with compassion for others rather than anger? Just askin’…. J

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