Thursday, March 14, 2013

13 March Joy Dare


3 Gifts Round


I have no idea about this one. Round? Around the corner is my local Coles and shops, and I am thankful I can zip up the road quickly if I need to get milk or bread (or ice cream and chocolate, lets face it, that’s more like it on a day like today).

Today was a hard day….for a reason that I probably shouldnt write about.

However I am thankful for my mate who said she wishes she lived “round” the corner, so that we could go into the city and sit at a bar overlooking the harbour and drink a wine or two and not talk about life, or men or responsibility or anything too heavy.

She could just be there and we could hang out and people watch.


I am thankful that I got to spend some time with Tara tonight even though I was working. She comes with me on Wed nights now, does homework, reads and watches a movie. I am glad that she is coming to work with me again, just like in the old days when she was 3 and 4, and would watch a movie and have arvo tea while I worked.

So in the midst of my frustration and despair today, I am thankful that I am still able to be thankful…despite my circumstance.


I am enjoying doing this Joy Dare….for those who have wondered…it is based on some woman’s book (her name is Ann someone) and she writes about gratitude. Being thankful isn’t a new age thing. It is actually as old as time. We all need to remember to be thankful in our daily life, because even though we all go thru trials, the fact we are here and living in this awesome country is something to be thankful for. Cos even if your life is a bit shit, you still have time to change it. Call it a paradigm shift – change your perception. Cos perception is everything. The way you view your world determines if you have a happy life or a crap one. Being burdened by negativity isn’t really my thing, I am now an eternal optimist – thru a series of life changing experiences and sheer dedication to change my life.

So if it seems like I am having a bad day, rest assured “this too shall pass” and I will probably be laughing with my friends or my kids in the next hour. I mean, life’s too short to stay crappy for too long right?


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