Thursday, March 14, 2013

14 March Joy Dare

3 Gifts found in Silence


  1. 8.30pm – all kids are in bed and the house is quiet. This day was good. Really the first good day all week, where I felt like the big black cloud wasn’t upon my shoulders. Nothing weighed me down today except being tired by the end of it. The silence within my house at this time of night is so beautiful. I packed so many boxes today, squeezed a midday client in, had a morning tea catch up and play date, got tara to guitar lessons and her first soccer training session (which she loved) and bathed the little ones twice (too much play!!) cooked a casserole, and now, collapsed in bed with my new bed companion – my pc. Silence is wonderful, except I have my fav U2 sounds playing softly providing a background of harmony, love and longing to my already heavy mind.  


  1. silence of meditation – inspired by the wellness seminar I attended this week, I have made it my intention to purposely breathe deeply every day for at least 10mins. This is my preliminary style of meditation in order to tide me over until the kids are not here on the weekend and I can get some real peace and quiet in order to meditate for 30mins…or longer, or I could fall asleep – it could go either way! I have meditated to varying degrees and styles for well over 15 years now. There were periods when I hardly practiced at all (def in those breastfeeding years there was no time), but after Addi was born and I developed serious food allergies I read a book called The Adrenalin and Stress Connection which really changed my perception. It spoke of how our nervous system desperately needs “down time” which our modern lifestyle rarely puts any emphasis on. Simply taking the time to breathe deeply and intentionally is such an easy thing to do, but I can find one thousand excuses not to. We don’t need crystals, or fancy mats or pillows to sit on, or special bells and music to meditate. We just need to pull our focus inward. We can focus on the breath, or on a word, or on a sacred text like a bible verse or some such, repeating a phrase over and over. And letting the words and thoughts settle and then….nothingness. You should try it sometime.

Silence is extraordinary, cos for me it is deep and vast and a space that is safe and welcoming. I often meditate in the morning while the kids are watching Dora or something else mind numbingly boring for adults to endure. Even though I can hear them, I don’t take it in. The silence of meditation isn’t about everything being quiet around you. It’s about the mind and the body being quiet and being the master over your mind chatter. I could go on and on, so I will stop and get to number three…


  1. silence – by Delerium…have you heard it?

Give me release
Witness me
I am outside
Give me peace
Heaven holds a sense of wonder
And I wanted to believe that I'd get caught up
When the rage in me subsides

Chokes the flower
Until she cries no more
Possessing all the beauty
Hungry still for more

Heaven holds a sense of wonder
And I wanted to believe that I'd get caught up
When the rage in me subsides

In this white wave
I am sinking
In this silence
In this white wave...
In this silence...

I believe I can't help this longing...
Comfort me I can't hold it all in...
If you won't let me...

Heaven holds a sense of wonder
And I wanted to believe that I'd get caught up
When the rage in me subsides

In this white wave
I am sinking
In this silence
In this white wave...
In this silence...

I believe I have seen you...
In this white wave
You are silent
You are breathing
In this white wave...

I am free


I have no idea what those lyrics are alluding to, but throw in some killer beats and vocals by Sarah McLaughlin and voila, one of my fav dance track from the 90’s. and it is a joyful day where I can be thankful for dance music and meditation all in one post.

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