Sunday, March 17, 2013

17 March Joy Dare

A gift turned, folded and hung.


Finally a set of things that is easy to write about!

Today my parents came to help me get the house ready for the agent to take photos. I didn’t have the kids this weekend, so it meant I had plenty of time after work yesterday and all day today to get this house looking as pretty as I could!

I have packed about 20 boxes already with toys, books, linens and kitchen items we aren’t actually using at the moment. It makes me wonder if we really need those items at all anymore….?

Selling and moving is a tough gig at any time I think, but I am fighting the tinges of bitterness that are creeping in every now and then.

Thank God I had my parents here to help me do the lawns and sweep the pavers and generally tidy up the entire living areas and strip beds and dust skirting boards and clean windows and pack more boxes and move boxes to the garage and de clutter the kitchen benches and clean spider webs off outdoor areas and kills massive red-backs and move furniture and wipe walls down from Picasso’s handiworks and scrubbed bathrooms with my Enjo gloves and I even used chemicals today (OMG! they totally work…if I wasn’t such an eco freak and against chemicals I would totally use them all the time. Now I know why the aisle in the supermarket if full of them!)


In short our work was nothing less than turning (down beds, as we made them), folded (washing done and dusted), and hung (paintings on the walls to freshen it up, and clothing hung away neatly in the closet).

This house looks pristine – hell, I’d buy it! I don’t even want to sell it!

But more than that, my parents really helped me during a day that could have been overwhelmingly hard, and isolating and full of disappointment at the thought of having to say goodbye to my home of almost 7 years.


I know that my next step will be good (as I truly love moving and setting up in new digs) but this time, I feel like it is bittersweet due to the circumstances. The worst moment for me was when I engaged the agent on my own. It felt like a stab thru the heart as I realised the depth of my decision. It’s all good, don’t get me wrong, but there are markers along the way of this journey* that highlight the good and bad stuff that I need to process and make peace with.

So I am feeling very relaxed and calm in my spotless and de-cluttered home, as I lay in bed and type this day’s Dare. It really is true that throwing out stuff, and clearing space in the physical realm, does the same for the mental realm.


* while all attempts during this Joy Dare are made to not use the word “journey” there are times when no other word is appropriate. Sincerest apologies to those who vomited whilst reading today’s dare. xx

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