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  2. it wouldnt be right NOT to share this.....just sayin
    Just in time for TATUM TUESDAY...MTV will be revealing the nominees for the 2013 Movie Awards at 7:58pm Eastern TONIGHT! "LIKE" if you think Mr. Magic Mike (aka Channing Tatum) is a shoe-in for the "Best Shirtless Performance" category!
  3. 10 March Joy Dare;
    3 Gifts in Christ

    Some of you may not know this about me, but I am a pretty hardcore Christian. I keep it on the down-low, so that I am not accused of “pushing religion” down people’s throats. That’s what I was accused of back in highschool and copped a fair bit of abuse for it from one particular girl, so I have been reluctant to be all preachy ever since. Evangelism isn’t my ...thing. That’s not my calling. So im all good with my decision. I think my gifting is in healing and prayer, so that’s what I do most of – particularly at work. Anyway……
    1. friendships. Due to a miscommunication, and fair amount of less than truthful words (lets say lying and be done with it), I thought I needed to find a new church and a new group of God-friends in the last 5 months. However upon finding myself back at church with a broken heart and a desperate need for support, I realised that my friends in Christ are always there, always compassionate and always real. Being in a good faith community is essential in times of struggle, celebration and confusion. Glad I didn’t let some half truths shatter my friendships – cos it almost shattered my confidence.
    2. “greater is He who is in me, than he who is in the world.” This is a truth that keeps me going at times when it feels very dark. I’m thankful for the truth of this statement. Essentially this is being “in Christ”.
    3. that sense of never being truly alone. This is a gift that needs constant reinforcement. Cos this gift only grows and feels more real the more we practice this sense of His closeness. Loneliness visits everyone, I’m glad that I have a partner in crime who will always be there for me if I only surrender!
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  4. The crap ones ways get left behind....just sayin
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  6. Just another community service for al my girls out there.....you may say thank you. ;)

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  7. 9 March Joy Dare:
    3 gifts carved

    1. a big carve thru my heart. Well, let me first begin by saying this is a day for Born Slippy…(if you don’t know what that is, then I wont bother explaining “boy” cos “boy” you just wont get it “boy”).
    A carved heart is something to be thankful for, because it means that you took a risk with love, and didn’t think about the consequences. And living with wild aban...don can only be a good thing, if you are prepared for the fall out – which pretty much is inevitable given that you throw yourself into something with such fervour. I love the feeling of freefalling into love. It is wild, it is free and it suits me. I know it is not for everyone, cos we all have our “rules” about how we love. I like my “rules”, and with that in mind, I accept the pain that comes when things don’t go to plan. And I learn from it. So I am thankful for the chance to learn. And I guess I am thankful for the opportunity to test my “non-negotiables” again, and to reinforce what I want and what I don’t want. I am even thankful for the sadness and the loneliness and the pain cos I feel no regret. So that means this was definitely a chance to learn and to grow. And I am thankful for him, cos he is awesome.
    2. wooden furniture. I am inspired by people who can build things with their hands. So I am thankful that even though I am rubbish with building things, I can ask a person “can you make this?” and they say “yep, but better”. This kind of talent is limitless and makes me feel safe knowing that if I am with them, then I can pretty much have any piece of furniture I want!! LOL
    3. a lamb roast. I promised my neighbours who helped me with the mulch to a lamb roast. (don’t worry Paul and Barry, I haven’t forgotten!) I am thankful that my mum taught me how to cook early on as a kid. I am very thankful for the hotness of Jamie Oliver (oh and the fact that he can cook) so that my love for and ability to cook has moved to another level. I am thankful that a simple dead animal, dressed up with some weeds (herbs) from the garden, can be sensational!
    I am going to quote a dear client of mine (who herself quoted this from some nutritionist guru)….”I love animals, we should eat more of them”. LMAO!!!
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  8. it would be really poor form of a grandfather to ignore his ex daugher in law, and becos of his attitude problem, and being generally ridiculous, he ignores his 11 yr old grand daughter too, right? yeah i thought so. way to make sure "its all about the kids". i am disgusted. and yes, i hope this gets back to him. just sayin'...
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  9. yup....but its hard saying goodbye. it seems so final :(
    Share the Inspiration ---->> ♥ Words To Inspire the Soul

    Visit our FREE website : www.Daveswordsofwisdom.com for more fun, wisdom and inspiration ♥
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  10. At the aquarium! — at Sydney Aquarium.
  11. gorgeous
    Gorgeous Lilly flower!
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  12. 8 March Joy Dare:
    3 Gifts Loud

    1. last night was loud at Colour Conference. I am thankful today that my darling friend Ali gave me a ticket. As it turned out, I could only go to the one session due to babysitting issues. Hearing thousands of women singing and laughing and talking was pretty cool. The music was loud and spoke right into my heart. I am thankful that I have a friend who would buy me... a ticket a year in advance. So we can stand side by side and hear from Bobbi who is loud and funny and daring and inspiring.
    2. kids playing with the hose this afternoon – that was loud. And it occurred to me as I was cleaning my office ready for my clients tonight, that they were playing and screaming around the yard having a hose fight, that it was awesome. I love hearing them going nuts and playing and being kids. I am heaps loud too. So I guess it appeals to that child in me, which longs for the old days.
    3. I love playing mtv loudly these days with songs from Rihanna and Pitt Bull and The Lumineers. My kids love their songs and come running from the other room just to sing and dance to them. Unfortunately nothing makes them laugh and sing more than Gangnam Style (but secretly I love it too!)

    There’s freedom in loudness. There’s freedom in expressing yourself in a way that is unmistakeable and obnoxious in the most delightful of ways. I thank God that I was given the “loud” gene. Cos even though it pisses people off at times, I kinda don’t care. I like it that I am passionate and that I give a crap about things and I get fired up and I get loud when the moment takes me that way. Being loud can be awesome……but I can also be quiet. Just sayin’…….
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  13. This is gold.....a little message from a darling friend of mine...nothing like a Freudian slip to make me laugh my head off!

    "Hey Belle, been thinking of you hope you're old"
    Oops I mean ok! Lol!.

    no darling i am not old
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  14. well, one can strive can't one?
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  15. just had to share..... LOL
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  16. And a swing and slide halfway thru at the park!!
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  17. love this....it would behove a few men i know to remember this.....
    and good morning to my US / European friends, good night Aussies and Cook Is mates.
    And Good Evening To My Friends Down Under ♥ :)~
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  18. 6 March Joy dare:
    A gift bent, broken, beautiful

    All I can come up with in this moment is that this is Me.
    I was created in God’s image as a gift to my parents, and to be a living expression of worship to God, as His gift.
    However as life and my own free will has shaped who I am, I have become shaped into a bent, broken and beautiful gift. At times I am all three, at times just one of those thing...s. But I am reminded that I am still a gift – even when I don’t feel like it.
    The bible tells us that God knows everything about me, right down to the number of hairs on my head. It speaks of how God loves the birds of the air and provides for them, but how much more does He love me, and want to provide for me?!
    So with knowing this, and realising that I am sometimes very not okay, I am still required to remember that I am indeed a gift, and as such I should remember my worth and how much I am loved and appreciated.
    After this evening culminated pretty much as crap as it could, I am feeling very broken and beaten down. But somehow, in the midst of my despair and frustration, I still feel God’s presence, reminding me that I am not alone, even though I kinda feel it.
    I am reminded in that gentle way, that can only come from God, that I am a gift to Him, and therefore it behoves (love this word!! Look it up..) me to keep this at the forefront of my mind. It’s this thinking that will keep my chin up, my focused fixed on the important things, and my inner strength, well, strong. (Especially when I lose my shit, and don’t act like a lady – woops, did I swear? See, I am a bit bent).
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  19. Greer Cash
    March 6
    With over half our field already signed up in only 2 weeks, space is quickly filling. Register soon and join our pack. Run the Night on 04.05.13 www.nike.com/sheruns10k
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  20. Mum! I'm getting this!!
    Fan Submission: Gorgeous black and grey Guns N' Roses Tribute tattoo.

    Tattooed Women
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  21. 5 March Joy Dare:
    3 Gifts Found

    1. Frozen Spinach and sundried tomato muffins. I got home from work tonight around 9pm. I really wasn’t hungry enough to cook, so I thought I would look in the fridge and see if there was any magical appearance of a cooked dinner with foil over it waiting for me….um no. As a newly separated woman, I am learning that having a meal cooked and waiting for me is probab...ly one of the only things I am missing. HOWEVER, as I am a newly found “organised” single mum, I found this batch of muffins, frozen and waiting for me to defrost and cover in butter. RESULT!! Instant healthy little snack. See mum an Ange
    - I can be organised too!
    2. New Found Inner Strength. Further to my post about jumping off the cliff into the unknown…I would say I am definitely giving it a swing today. Not quite ready to “jump off”, but I am testing the strength of the rope that I am going to jump off with and then let go of when I am totally ready. (yes, speaking in metaphors is a hobby of mine). I think inner strength needs to be practised, so I am doing a little practising today and I am feeling good about it. Just sayin’
    3. The sign on my head that says “harass me I’m single”…FOUND! And now I am tearing it up into tiny little pieces. Fact = just becos you are single doesn’t mean you are interested in dating right now. Fact= if a woman says “no thank you” she probably means it. Fact = if a woman says “please stop messaging me or I will get an AVO, she really means it”. So now I have found that little sign on my forehead that says “harass me” I am expecting it will stop? I am thankful I am not needy and can recognise attention that probably isn’t healthy right now.
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  22. Heaven is a state of mind, not a location, since Spirit is everywhere and in everything. You can begin equalizing your material and spiritual life by making a conscious decision to look for the unfolding of Spirit in everything and everyone you encounter...W Dyer
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  23. 4 March Joy Dare:
    3 Gifts hard to give thanks for

    1. life lessons. I am in the grip of an enormous life lesson at the moment. I feel like I am standing on the edge of a cliff and my choices are: do as you have always done, stay in your comfort zone (even though it doesn’t bring you comfort), or take a running jump into the unknown and see what happens.
    At this point I am still considering the eno...rmous drop from the edge of the cliff, without thinking about the enormous possibilities from doing life differently. I read a book that talked about Jesus being a rope swing. We can literally hold on for dear life and jump off that cliff, swinging on the trust of Jesus, or we can stand on the cliff wetting our pants at the thought of the jump. Far out, it is a tough decision to jump. But what if....? (fill in the blanks) FEAR is the big one for me. Fear of the unknown and fear of what if it might be worse?
    But in my experience I know that when I am standing on that cliff and then jump, I find true freedom, and have never been let down and disappointed yet. God always comes thru for me (or is it that I always come thru for God?)
    3 Gifts hard to give thanks for

    1. life lessons. I am in the grip of an enormous life lesson at the moment. I feel like I am standing on the edge of a cliff and my choices are: do as you have always done, stay in your comfort zone (even though it doesn’t bring you comfort), or take a running jump into the unknown and see what happens.
    At this point I am still considering the eno...rmous drop from the edge of the cliff, without thinking about the enormous possibilities from doing life differently. I read a book that talked about Jesus being a rope swing. We can literally hold on for dear life and jump off that cliff, swinging on the trust of Jesus, or we can stand on the cliff wetting our pants at the thought of the jump. Far out, it is a tough decision to jump. But what if....? (fill in the blanks) FEAR is the big one for me. Fear of the unknown and fear of what if it might be worse?
    But in my experience I know that when I am standing on that cliff and then jump, I find true freedom, and have never been let down and disappointed yet. God always comes thru for me (or is it that I always come thru for God?)
    So today I am thankful for the life lesson I am yet to jump into, knowing it will be good, and thankful for the opportunity to consider changing my life…watch this space to see what comes next…..

    2. damaged people. The saying goes like this “hurting people hurt people”…and oh how they hurt! I am thankful for the person who tried to shatter me today…and nearly succeeded. His pain and venom was so intense I nearly felt a physical reaction. But I thank him for highlighting an area in me that needs to be resilient to people like him. And even though I hate the behaviour, I don’t hate the person, I actually feel very sad for him. So I am thankful too, that my heart has compassion, cos in this instance, it can only be from God!
    3. mulch. (yes ladies and gentlemen, until it is moved, it will be a theme). I have moved over half now with the aid of four neighbours. (and I am very thankful to them). But I am finding it hard to be thankful for the gift my ex husband is giving me by not helping. Sure, I am happy to be doing some hard core physical work, but by this, day 5, my knee is really hurting and my forearms are fatigued. I was a bit bitter today trudging up 600 stairs laden with bags of mulch. So here, I say it – thank you ex, for choosing to not help (for your own private reasons I wont divulge here). I am sure you feel justified. In this time of mulching I have seen our kids climbing “the mountain” , shovelling their sand pit buckets, holding bags open and leading the way up the stairs to “make sure there are no toys in the way”….so these are fun times, and sure it is hard work, but it has been fun along the way too. And that’s worth being thankful for. Just sayin’…..